Monday 14 March 2016

Ex 3.2: A self portrait

This exercise aims to develop your analytical skills in defining how to portray someone, but this time the subject is you.

Write 150 words about yourself and select a stance from this to bring to the camera.

In terms of lighting, etc., use a friend or family member to practise and then set the camera up on a tripod and either use a timer or ask someone to press the button when you tell them. It’s still your image – you set it up, did the posing, lighting, costume, hair, etc.

Produce three images that tell the viewer all about you – as you see yourself.

Now ask friends or colleagues what they think your strengths and weakness are. Ask them what defines your character to them, how they see you. Produce three images from your friends’ points of view.

Write the experience up in your learning log. Do the images coincide in terms of your own and your friends’ impressions of you? In other words, were you trying to photograph the ‘same’ person in each case or someone completely different? Then look again at the images and see if they coincide visually. Try and analyse your findings. 



I am a woman therefore I am never wrong or so I tell my husband who will often disagree with me.  I’m a good Crisis manager and can prioritise my actions.
Outside I appear strong, inside full of doubt and feel unable to carry through my thoughts and decisions.  I procrastinate a lot over things that don't grab my enthusiasm.  I can be weak willed and easily led astray by other people, but I call a spade a spade which some people say it a good thing, a strength, and others say it's not, it's a weakness, but everyone says that they know where they stand with me.  
I start things with best of intentions but don't always finish them or if I do complete a task I find that I rush it to get on with the next interesting item.  I've been told that I'm very competitive and want to come first in all things, except running.

Produce three images that tell the viewer all about you – as you see yourself
I'm a good friend

I enjoy Empowering silver surfers


Now ask friends or colleagues what they think your strengths and weakness are. Ask them what defines your character to them, how they see you. Produce three images from your friends’ points of view. 


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