Monday 21 March 2016

Ex 3.3: The night watch

Make some notes in your learning log about how the artist uses the elements listed above (background, pose, clothes, props, light). What effect does he create? What does the portrait say about Banning Cocq?

The Night Watch by Rembrandt

This picture seems to give importance to the man in the front with the red sash and the one beside him in cream.  Does this mean they are the leaders of this group or something else?Whatever, they are well spotlighted so they stand out.  The young woman beside them on the left is also lit up and must have some relevance to be so highlighted.  The main person in the portrait in the centre is bigger so does this make him more important that the other man in the cream suit? 

I get the impression that Banning Cocq is the most important person in this group since he is placed in the centre and is larger in size and stature than the other people in the picture.

Look particularly at the use of light and dark in this huge portrait. How might you create similar effects photographically?

The light in the picture emphasises what are considered to be the most important aspects of it.  If you wanted to get a similar effect in a photograph you would have to employ several spot lights shining at various strengths on those people.  To bring out the two front men you would need to have a spotlight in front of them brighter than the background lighting.  The woman/child on the left would need another separate spot light set at half strength so that she didn't stand out as much.

I wish that I'd had the chance to study fine art at school/further education as I always wonder what I'm missing when I look at a picture such as this.  I try to go round exhibitions, when I get the chance, as it fascinates me what hidden messages are being sent by the different aspects of dress, etc.

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